The International Inland Port of Dallas (IIPOD) is your connection to markets; global, national, regional, and local.
Dallas-Fort Worth’s central U.S. location provides an advantageous distribution hub, with quick access to rail, air, and over-the ground truck transportation. Southern Dallas County serves as vital link of the logistics, distribution and manufacturing hub. By truck, distributors can efficiently move products throughout the central part of the United States, reaching 93 percent of the population within 48 hours. The 76,000+ acre DFW Inland Port area offers unsurpassed access to Interstates 20, 35, and 45 with large acreage sites for manufacturing and distribution. The area offers heavy redundant electricity, Lancaster Airport (306 acres), 360-acre Union Pacific Intermodal Terminal (DIT), Foreign Trade Zone availability, Inland Port of Pre-clearance, and Triple Freeport tax exemption availability.